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Luxury Train Travel Advice

Luxury Train Travel Advice  
Orient Express Luxury Train Club

Luxury Train Travel Advice & Health Advice

Travel and health advice links - government & health agencies & WHO

Corona Virus COVID-19 and other details change frequently.

Luxury Train Travel and Health Advice Luxury Train Club

World Health Organization (WHO) Health Advice - COVID-19

World Health Organization news Luxury Train Club

News about Health Emergencies from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Here, WHO gives information and guidance about health emergencies.

NEWS from the BBC

Luxury Train Travel Advice BBC News

Here is the news presented by the BBC.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advice from the BBC

What are the symptoms? When do people need to go to hospital? What happens in intensive care? How has the virus spread?

Go to this BBC page for the answers to these questions.

Australia - Government Travel Advice

Government of Australia Travel Advice

Travel advice provided by the Government of Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Australia - Government Travel Health Advice

Travel health advice provided by the Government of Australia, Department of Health.

Here is information specific to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Canada - Government Travel Advice

Government of Canada Travel Advice

Travel advice provided by the Government of Canada.

Canada - Government Travel Health Advice

Travel health advice provided by the Government of Canada.

European Union - Travel Advice Links to Member States' Governments

European Union travel advice

Travel advice portal of the European Union (EU) with links to Member States, covering consular services :

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Any EU citizen in a non-EU country where his/her own national state has no representation is entitled to protection by the diplomatic or consular authorities of any other EU country. EU citizens in such a situation are entitled to protection under the same conditions as the nationals of that EU country. UK nationals are now excluded from this facility since the UK has left the EU.

Italy - Government Covid-19 travel Advice

Luxury Train Travel Advice Italy Luxury Train Club

Travel advice related to Covid-19 provided by the Government of Italy

United Kingdom - Government (FCO) Travel Advice

Government of the United Kingdom Travel Advice

Travel advice provided by the Government of the United Kingdom - Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO UK).

The Luxury Train Club and The Train Chartering Company Ltd are members of the Association of British Travel Agents.

United Kingdom - NHS Travel Health Advice

Luxury Train Travel Advice NHS

Travel health advice provided by the UK's National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC), Department of Health.

United States - Government Travel Advice

Government of the United States Travel Advice

Travel advice provided by the Government of the United States of America (USA).

Here is travel information specific to the Covid-19 pandemic.

United State - Government Travel Health Advice

Travel health advice provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Government of the United States of America.

Useful Reference Websites

Association of British Travel Agents ABTA

ABTA coronavirus information Luxury Train Club

Coronavirus information provided by ABTA.

Summary of Travel Restrictions (IATA)

Summary Travel restrictions due to Covid-19 pandemic based on International Air Transport Association (IATA) data, courtesy of Air Charter Services.


Please contact us to discuss your luxury train travel plans - luxury train tickets, private carriages / rail cars, private trains (or planes). Links checked 24.8.21.

Luxury Train Travel and Health Advice Luxury Train Club

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