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Luxury Train Dress Code

Luxury Train Dress Code Smart Casual StylePilot 
Luxury Train Dress Code Smart Casual
Luxury Train Dress Code Luxury Train Club
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Luxury Train Dress Code

This is useful information about Luxury Train Dress Code.

Pack casual clothes and footwear that are appropriate for any included programme of off-train excursions and visits, bearing in mind the weather and terrain.

Most luxury trains have a relaxed attitude towards attire in general although many ask that guests dress up to a degree for evening dining. This is of course polite for other passengers but also adds to your own enjoyment of the fine dining experience.

The following information is based on the suggested dress code for evening dining. Lightweight non-wrinkle jackets and suits are readily available for easy packing and elegance.

Women, in general, know what to wear for a 'smart casual' occasion. Smart casual may mean dress or slacks / skirt with blouse / shirt, both working well with a jacket or bolero, avoid high-heeled shoes on trains.

Men: this may be 'chino' trousers, a casual shirt, a jacket or blazer and slip-on shoes or brogues. There are many jackets / sport jackets available that are travel-friendly, wrinkle resistant. For a classic or retro look, consider a tie.

Evening Dining: Casual, no suits or formal wear

Evening Dining: Smart casual, no tie necessary, jacket suggested

Luxury Train Dress Code El Transcantabrico Gran Lujo Spain

Evening Dining: Smart casual, jacket recommended

Luxury Train Dress Code Al Andalus Spain

Evening Dining: Jacket required, Tie suggested or acceptable

Luxury Train Dress Code Rovos Pride of Africa

  • Royal Scotsman
  • For daytime excursions and relaxing on board the train, casual, comfortable clothing is recommended. In the evening, smart casual for informal dinners and jacket or kilt for formal dinners for gentlemen and cocktail/low key evening dress for ladies.
  • In association with Kinloch Anderson, Kiltmakers to HM The Queen, guests have the opportunity to hire a kilt for their journey on board (delivered to and picked up from the train) or to purchase their very own tailor-made Highland Dress.
  • Rovos - Pride of Africa
  • Seven Stars Kyushu

Evening Dining: Smart formal warmly requested, Suit with Tie minimum

Luxury Train Dress Code Venice Simplon-Orient-Express

You can never be overdressed on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express.

For dinner, men should wear a suit and tie and women dress in smart attire, but many guests like to don tux / black tie or evening dress for the occasion.

During the day, the dress code is smart-casual. According to Venice Simplon-Orient-Express General Manager Pascal Deyrolle, “There are not so many occasions in life when you can really dress to the nines."

British Pullman

For these journeys: Celebrity chef dinners and New Year's Eve Dinner


Contact us to ask more about Luxury Train Dress Code.


StylePilot - a men’s lifestyle platform offering customers unique content whilst shopping, StylePilot has a dedicated editorial team and hundreds of brands including a 200,000+ product catalogue. StylePilot helps men choose and buy what is best for them.

Hector Powe - ties and pocket squares from Hector Powe (1908).


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The Luxury Train Club
Black Kite, The Hawk Creative Business Park,
The Hawkhills Estate, Easingwold,
YO61 3FE
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T: +44 (0)1249 890205

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